In any other modern languages (which follow lexical scope structure), the example below intuitively works.
But it doesn’t, it results in an error: UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘item’ referenced before assignment.
This doesn’t make sense to me, the variable item
should clearly be accessible inside the function double()
In Python, outer variables are generally accessible to reference, but are unchangeable.
You can change a variable by declaring that variable in your scope as nonlocal
to modify it.
(For other hacky ways of solving the situation and more information on this, read more below).
An informal definition of Lexical Scope: the ability of a function scope to access variables from its parent scope, and the limitation of being unable to access child function scopes inside of it.
Here I will outline the dirty rules concerning scope in Python. Pay extra pedantic attention to italicized words, as these are very specific rules:
You can always access variables of the outer scope (unless you’ve shadowed them, more on that later).
You are unable to reassign outer variables without declaring them first as nonlocal
( or global
for global variables ).
If you try to assign a new value to an outer variable without nonlocal
, it will create a new local variable of the same name (which is called ‘shadowing’).
This is where it gets less intuitive for me:
This is what the nonlocal
keyword is for. Here’s the example from earlier:
specifies the identifier item “to refer to previously bound variable(s) in the nearest enclosing scope excluding globals”. In this case, the closest definition of item found is 3.
Interestingly (as specified in the documentation linked above), nonlocal
looks for bound variables excluding globals. So this:
results in a Syntax error: no binding for nonlocal 'item' found
So, you’d have to utilize the global
keyword for this situation.
Remember in the annoying rules earlier where its mentioned that you can access outer variables, just not modify them?
This is valid. Problems only arise when reassigning those variables. This seems to stem from the lack of a variable declaration keyword.
But because we have access to a variable, we are able to mutate it.
See what I mean? You can do the same with a list.
(I saw someone use this in their leetcode solution instead of nonlocal
and I was appalled.)
It seems that before nonlocal
, in situations which nonlocal
solves, you’d have to do this.
I shockingly never ran into these specifics until 2 situations recently to learn about nonlocal:
a certain leetcode problem. I wanted to keep track of a number outside of an inner function. I read another answer where the programmer used the list trick I mentioned above, and I was really confused.
was writing a program in a functional structure larger than a little script, and just wanted to keep a global dictionary in the module to keep track of something. I was able to mutate it but unable to reassign it from a function.